鹿港老街歷史最早可以追溯到清朝時期,當時是中部地區重要的貿易港口,也是台灣最早的商業街之一,「一府二鹿三艋舺」中指的鹿,就是鹿港,不難想像鹿港對於台灣歷史的重要性,不過隨著時代變遷,老街也一路見證了鹿港從繁華到沒落,再到轉型為觀光景點的整個過程,所以鹿港老街特色不只是觀光勝地,更是了解台灣歷史和文化的重要窗口。 也因為獨特鹿港老街的建築風格,多為紅磚牆、瓦片屋頂的傳統閩南式建築,再加上保存完整的牌樓、歷史久遠的廟宇和古蹟,所以吸引許多海內、外遊客到此一遊。 至於鹿港有多美呢?鹿港老街怎麼逛?那麼接下來的鹿港老街景點介紹一起來看看吧!
2025 Pingxi Sky Lantern All In One: Event Information, Transportation, Attractions, and Food
The Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival, hailed as one of the most romantic events in the world, is a famous cultural activity in Taiwan. The Lantern Festival is typically held around the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, attracting tens of thousands of tourists from home and abroad. Not only does it showcase the charm of Taiwanese culture, but it also brings considerable tourism revenue to Pingxi each year. Visitors can stroll through the old streets, sampling various local delicacies, making it a perfect spot for a day trip.
作為台灣首都的台北,一直是國內、外遊客來台必到的旅遊目的地。無論是歷史悠久的古蹟、現代化的地標建築,還是充滿活力的商圈夜市,台北都能滿足不同遊客的需求。 而且對於計劃來台北戶外景點旅行的遊客來說,許多高人氣台北景點推薦的打卡名單都在捷運站附近,所以在台北景點一日遊是非常方便的。 如果你剛好也再找台北景點該怎麼玩?行程怎麼排?交通怎麼去的資料,那麼這篇文章你一定不能錯過!
台灣老街是歷史與美食的完美結合,無論是九份的懷舊氣息,還是大溪的古樸建築,每條老街都有自己獨特的故事和道地小吃,想知道哪些是最具台灣代表性的TOP 10 老街嗎?有哪些必逛、必看的亮點呢?快來看看吧!
鹽水蜂炮(英文Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival)是台灣元宵節期間最具代表性的活動之一,也曾被澳洲ABC電視台評列為「世界10大最危險祭典」第3名、澳洲Get Lost雜誌評選為「全球10大最佳慶典」,也是亞洲唯一入選的慶典活動。 2025年的鹽水蜂炮也預計在明年二月初舉行,如果您也計劃參與這場盛會,記得先收藏這篇攻略哦!
【Lukang Old Street Guide】The Best Way to Experience a Day Trip Like a Local!
how beautiful Lukang is? How to visit Lukang Old Street? Let’s take a look at the following introduction to Lukang Old Street attractions!
Top 15 Taipei Attractions: Must-Visit Spots + Detailed Transportation Guide!
If you’re looking for Taipei attractions, what should you do? How to arrange the trip? What’s the traffic information? This is the article you must not miss!
【Taiwanese food】15 must-try foods in Taiwan and the Michelin Bib Gourmand recommendations!
Taiwanese street food is diverse and each dish has its own unique characteristics. But which Taiwanese snacks are a must-try and cannot be missed? And which ones are recommended by the Michelin Bib Gourmand? Let’s take a look!
taiwan souvenirs|Top 10 Picks + Popular Shops and Buying Guide Revealed!
Foreigners’ favorite Taiwanese souvenirs Top 10 complete guide! From classic pineapple cakes to creative items loved by young audiences, we’ve selected 10 must-buy souvenirs with recommended stores, plus tips on choosing gifts and answers to common questions—so you can give memorable gifts with confidence!
Taiwan’s Top 10 Classic Old Street: Must-Try Foods, Popular Attractions, and Detailed Travel Guide!
Taiwan’s old street are the perfect blend of history and cuisine. Whether it’s the nostalgic atmosphere of Jiufen or the rustic architecture of Daxi, each old street has its own unique story and local delicacies. Want to know which are the top 10 most representative old street in Taiwan? Curious about the must-visit highlights? Let’s take a look!
Wulai hot springs Soaking Guide: Must-see Features, Cuisine, Accommodations, and Transportation!
Located in the outskirts of Taipei, Wulai hot springs, also known as the "Beauty Soup," is famous for its clear, odorless sodium bicarbonate spring water, which is known for its whitening and moisturizing effects. Whether you're soaking in the springs, admiring the scenery, or tasting indigenous cuisine, Wulai is the perfect place to relax and enjoy nature!