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This bridge was once a connecting node of Jinshan (金山), Shimen (石門) and Sanzhi (三芝) to Tamshui (淡水) and Taipei downtown. Before the time it is constructed, tea planters and fruit farmers had to hike across the river to reaching the opposite side. When flooding, the transportation of two sides was always hindered. Later in Qing Dynasty, tea planters placed three flagstones on huge rocks among the water to form a bridge, allowing travelers’ easy passages. Thanks to its historical value, government enlisted the bridge as a heritage. With the aim of preventing tourists from accidentally falling into river, government installed a set of wooden handgrip alongside the stone bridge for precaution. In spring, the blooming yoshino cherries among nearby mountains would often attract those who are really familiar with the place.


Yangmingshan - Warm Earth

9hrs / 1.0day
  • Nature
  • Family
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