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Anping Tree House

Attraction stories

Once a warehouse belonging to Tait & Co. Merchant House over a century ago, the Anping Tree House (安平樹屋) is now a popular landmark in the old city of Tainan, where giant banyan trees have taken over the abandoned building after years of neglect.

In 1845, after China’s defeat in the Second Opium War, the Qing government opened the Anping Harbor to foreigners, and the Scottish trader James Tait was one of the first to set up a merchant house in Anping. The Tait & Co. Merchant House was the biggest merchant house of its time, mainly engaged in the export of granulated sugar and camphor from Taiwan. Before these goods were loaded onto ships, they were stored in the warehouse, which is now known as the Anping Tree House (安平樹屋).

During the Japanese Colonial Era, the trade of camphor and opium was made a government business, which left these foreign merchants with no choice but to leave Taiwan – the Tait & Co. Merchant House was no exception. In 1911, the Tait & Co. Merchant House building was turned into an office and warehouse for the Japan Salt Company. After World War II, it became the offices for the Tainan Salt Works. In 1981, a major renovation was undertaken to bring this historic building up to date, while the renovation of the neighboring tree house was suspended for safety reasons. By 2004, the local government invited designers to gentrify the old warehouse for touristic consumption. They have built wood and metal staircases and viewing platforms, allowing visitors to wind through the trees and view the warehouse from up within the branches.

Having been overgrown with tree roots for the past century, this old warehouse was once thought of as a creepy place, but not anymore. Today, the Anping Tree House (安平樹屋) not only retains the feeling of an ancient ruin but also offers an adventure into a giant brick flower pot. It will surely be a delight for urban explorers and photographers alike.

Basic information
Business hours
  • 00:30 - 09:30
No.108, Gubao St., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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