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Tunghai University

Attraction stories

Located to the west of Tunghai University in Taichung, Tunghai Night Market caters to local residents and students alike, while some of the stalls draw in a significant number of tourists who put these street food on their bucket list, inclusive of chicken feet galantine, duck’s heads and gua bao (a fluffy white steamed bun).

The most vibrant section throughout the night market is at the intersection of Dongyuan Lane and Xinxing Road, where you can find all the popular snack stalls. The most representative has to be the one selling the flavorful chicken feet gelatine that is stewed in a potent mix of Chinese herbs, soy sauce, sesame, salt and wine, where Lianxinbing, a bowl of mung bean smoothie topped with a scoop of red bean ice cream, is also on the menu. Another not-to-be-missed stall is Tunghai Guabao Dawang, serving a wide variety of steamed buns with different fillings from chicken thigh to pork belly and ham. Finally, Tunghai Dongshan Duck’s Head will impress your taste buds with its second-to-none duck’s heads nicely stewed and soaking up all the goodness from the orange marinade.

Basic information
Business hours
  • 16:00 - 15:59
No.181, Sec. 3, Taichung Port Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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